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Tell Off With Tuti

Tell Off With Tuti

By Yasbleidy Baron

Funny and adventurous stories about the life of an immigrant living, dating and adapting in the US.
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Tell Off With TutiApr 24, 2023



The NCAA women's championship and its winners have been the subject of recent controversy that has caught my attention. I was particularly upset by the harassment directed towards LSU's superstar Angel Reese, but I was also inspired by the way she refused to let it dim her light and instead shine boldly. As a result, she will be the focus of today's episode.

Apr 24, 202326:02
Angel Reese

Angel Reese

The raising of a star
Apr 21, 202341:08
Racism the stigma that we can’t get away from.

Racism the stigma that we can’t get away from.

Regardless political status or personal achievement racism is a horrible cancer that after years of acknowledgment we still can’t get away from.
Apr 21, 202334:57
The Price of been outspoken woman.

The Price of been outspoken woman.

How many times strong women had been called problematic? How many times the labels of society have trying to outshine her spirit. On todays episode The price of been an outspoken woman.
Apr 21, 202341:08
The crying of a bleeding country and the tears that are never heard.

The crying of a bleeding country and the tears that are never heard.

Join me in this painful journey of trying to understand the cowardly behavior of our politicians.. I'm in a country were politics are more important

than the lives of their people.

Apr 02, 202332:12
A Black Woman In America

A Black Woman In America

A black woman in America!

Are you black enough .. is your hair texture enough, what about your skin .. are you too light, are you too dark..,  you are not black.

On today’s Episode. What is a black woman in America?

Feb 28, 202337:54
Whether you are aware of us or not, Afro Latinos exist.

Whether you are aware of us or not, Afro Latinos exist.

More than 6 centuries  ago the world raised in evil. The land shower in blood and the ocean fed on the lifeless bodies  of our ancestors to create for free what today we call our “working society.  With the cruelty of the white man our skin was scattered around the world, diluted so many times to the point that today we can barely recognize each other. 

But we’re still here, our brothers and sisters now are accustomed to regions and temperatures they never shouldn’t be in the first place. More than 600 years  ago evil arrived in terrorizing ships full of pain and suffer to Latino America to conquer what wasn’t theirs in the first place. History is brutal like the African  Sabana but is history and we must share the truth.
On todays episode Afro Latinos even you agree or not we exist.

Feb 28, 202328:07
Will you forgive an infidelity?

Will you forgive an infidelity?

Tell Off With Tuti Valentine's Day edition, in the matters of love only the brave ones will survive... My question to you is, will you forgive an infidelity?

Feb 15, 202338:48
How Far Are You Willing to go to Achieve Financial Freedom

How Far Are You Willing to go to Achieve Financial Freedom

In a world with high levels of stress, judgment and the pressure of social media, to achieve the “scrolling down” reality that in most cases is already altered by photoshop or the gleams of a life someone is trying to portray to you; the after-taste of this never-ending pressure at times forces you to acquire a competitive vein that will guide you to do whatever to achieve the better version of whatever life you aspire to achieve.

On that note, a simple question comes in to play. On today’s episode “How far will you go to achieve your financial freedom?”

Jan 22, 202334:38
How Freaky is Freaky

How Freaky is Freaky

There are boundaries in everyone’s lives. Sometimes our moral compass comes in between achieving all of our personal fantasies, whatever they might be. When it comes to people, the big question is “what is freaky?” and how “freaky is freaky?”

Ultimately, how are we as humans able to achieve these personal fantasies while maintaining our sanity?

Like the lyrics of Nelly’s song “It’s Getting Hot in Here”, we take the temperature up a few notches and discuss on today’s episode how freaky is freaky.

Jan 15, 202340:35
2023 Here We Go!

2023 Here We Go!

After the year is over, we reflect on the things we want to accomplish, the ones we’ll continue working for, and the ones we’ll never do again.

On today’s episode, 2023, here we go!

Jan 09, 202330:13
Deal Breakers

Deal Breakers

As time goes on, people grow. With that experience we learn to recognize what we are willing to tolerate in our lives and what we absolutely will not. In terms of relationships we call that “Deal Breakers".

On today’s episode lets talk about our deal breakers.
Oct 31, 202245:33
Introverts vs. Extroverts: Are we ready for each other?

Introverts vs. Extroverts: Are we ready for each other?

The first official, random sample by the Myers-Briggs organization showed introverts made up 50.7% and extroverts 49.3% of the United States general population. With such a close percentage breakdown of introverts and extroverts, will that allow me to correctly assume we are used to dealing with each other’s energy in a comfortable manner?

On today’s episode, Introverts vs. Extroverts: Are we ready for each other?

Oct 10, 202234:36
“Girl and Boy Code”: how messy you really are.

“Girl and Boy Code”: how messy you really are.

There’s an unspoken rule we all follow to keep ourselves out of messy trouble. We call it “Girl Code”: what’s acceptable and what’s not. However, there are a number of people who don’t mind being in the eye of a messy hurricane, and today, I will be addressing them.

Today on Tell Off With Tuti, “Girl and Boy Code”: how messy you really are.

Sep 13, 202230:05
Transgender women: Should you be on my team or not

Transgender women: Should you be on my team or not

The world is always changing and there are numerous new rules we must follow to live peacefully and amicably in our communities. What happens when we don’t understand the new changes? How can we navigate and proactively respect those new rules and regulations without feeling forced or imposed, and in more severe cases, angry to those new challenges presented.

On today’s episode I’m openly transparent with my listeners regarding my own personal struggles on accepting new rules as they relate to transgender women. I promised an honest and honorable discussion, and I’m here to deliver.

Today on Tell Off With Tuti "Transgender women: Should you be on my team or not?"

Aug 23, 202232:42
Christina Toth: The Perseverance Behind an Angelical Beauty.

Christina Toth: The Perseverance Behind an Angelical Beauty.

The entertainment business is well known for its tough love, proven once again that like in nature only the strongest will be able to not only survive by success. Moreover, that’s the case of today’s guest, Christina Toth, award-winning and best actress nominee. A woman with an extensive resume of multiple projects under her belt including the very popular shows such as Orange is the New Black and Strut.

Christina, a Canadian native that came to the US with a dream and didn’t let go until achieving it. Christina is a prime example of strength and perseverance disguised behind an angelical vintage sophisticated beauty.

Aug 01, 202232:03
IOWA: I’m ready for you! Are you ready for me?!

IOWA: I’m ready for you! Are you ready for me?!

We often shelter ourselves under norms, awakenings and the so called “culture agenda” by repeating ourselves with mantras like “love is love”, “no judgment” and “we love everybody”. All of this while keeping ourselves within ratios of our own comfort zone without challenging ourselves to environments completely aside from whatever we are accustomed to. Moreover, we claim to understand mentalities or ways of lives we never dare to go near.

For the past 4 years, I have personally struggled with acceptance of any political ideology that was slightly inclined to anything I didn’t agreed with in larges scales. Examples of such include canceling any propaganda or political agenda that resembles any sort of those ideologies that I am inclusive of (persons, ideologies and places, etc.). However, in the last year I have found myself challenging those urges and exploring further reasoning with those who think different than me.

Since one of the biggest challenges I have in life revolves around differing political views, I took it upon myself to discuss the topic in one of the states that perceivably resembles minor  ideologies I believe in. This is all a part of a greater effort to further continue proving the honesty of my very personal journey, and to eliminate and challenge anything that is actively attacking my mental evolution and growth.

On today’s episode you will have the opportunity to hear from me, a very dark immigrant with broken English, a huge personality, a self-called Liberal, very Democrat, anti-Trump agenda and ideologies, reflecting on my experiences from a recent visit to one of the most remotes parts of the USA. If everything I have heard regarding these pockets of the country are true, I want to challenge them and find out more while staring them in the face.

IOWA: I’m ready for you! Are you ready for me?!

Jul 18, 202236:00
"STRUT" A comedy that shows a reality through the eyes of Misha Calvert

"STRUT" A comedy that shows a reality through the eyes of Misha Calvert

In a world full of judgments it’s so refreshing to see reality through the  lenses of comedy. Today I have the pleasure of Interviewing Misha Calvert an amazing writer, Director and the creator of Strut a comedy showcasing the life of a group of friends that decided to start a high-end escorting agency to earn more money, they convince skeptical Eddie to help them build their business and lift her self-esteem. Together they successfully navigate the adrenaline-fueled escorting industry with Eddie as their CEO and fellow sex worker. This has became literally one of my favorites shoes this summer Starring Misha Calvert, Margaret Judson, Christina Toth and Manini Gupta. And today I get to chat with Misha and the cast about their amazing experience creating the show. Today on Tell off with Tuti “STRUT”

Jul 12, 202254:20
Sugar Babies

Sugar Babies

We live in a society founded on judgement and shame. A society that tries to dictate how you live and the perceived moral values to carry. What if that’s just not your vibe? What if conventionalism is not enough pertaining to your life experiences? On today’s episode we are touching on a very sensitive subject. Buckle up for the ride ahead and let’s see how this goes!

Jun 27, 202221:43
Dating Etiquette

Dating Etiquette

As the dating pool gets muddied, the rules and etiquette keep changing. Are we consciously courteous while we date?

Jun 20, 202224:06
Toxic Traits

Toxic Traits

Everybody has had their fare share of toxic traits. Some more delivering than others, but no one is exempt. The real question is what do you consider toxic? What is it within a relationship that you cannot tolerate, let alone allow?

Jun 13, 202235:53
Karina Daza: Spreading Awareness Through Music.

Karina Daza: Spreading Awareness Through Music.

Music has being the bridge to connect us with the world, the neutral outlet that invites all energies. What happens when we use that gift of music to shine light on the issues we face in our society? Is then when we encounter people like Karina Daza, a New Yorker willing to bring light to some challenging subjects using her amazing talent.

Jun 06, 202252:53
Kendra Concepcion: The Force Behind The Business

Kendra Concepcion: The Force Behind The Business

Being surrounded by strong, decisive women was the common thing growing up. I recall a very a common phrase used by my mom “Don’t tell me how much you want it, show me how hard you are willing to work for it”. Today that phrase is sitting at the center of this episode with the story of Kendra Conception, an entrepreneur, business woman, and leading director of one of the major fitness clubs around the world. Kendra is a vivid example that no matter where you come from you get to write your own story.

On today’s episode, Kendra Concepcion: The Force Behind The Business.

May 16, 202243:47
Jessica Medina: The Woman Behind The Danger

Jessica Medina: The Woman Behind The Danger

Being an immigrant is not easy. Not even in a country that is home to so many immigrants.
To take your belongings and leave your home  country and everything you know to start over in another land with different cultures, languages, and customs is one of the hardest things a person can go through. Now take that and add being an immigrant  breaking into Hollywood, one of the most difficult industries in the world to succeed in.

With more than 100 movies on her resume, not only has she succeeded, she has kicked ass while doing it. I had the pleasure of interviewing Jessica Medina, a groundbreaking actress, stunt woman, director, and executive producer well recognized for her trajectory and very extensive resume. Today she is sharing with us the story and determination behind achieving her dreams.

On Today’s Episode, Jessica Medina: The Woman Behind The Danger.

May 09, 202258:21
Hollywood: Chasing the Dream with Orlando Briggs

Hollywood: Chasing the Dream with Orlando Briggs

America, the place where dreams come true, the land that blankets a population full of dreams and desires, your wish upon a star made a reality.

On today’s episode I sit down with Orlando Briggs, an up-and-coming actor sharing his experiences and evolution in his acting and Theater endeavors. Join us today for a captivating conversation with Orlando Briggs, who is a prime of example of what this country has to offer, in Hollywood: Chasing the Dream.

May 02, 202245:59
Crystal Romero A Warrior Beyond The Uniform

Crystal Romero A Warrior Beyond The Uniform

In a country so proud like the US, there lies a huge force willing to protect and defend the American flag and citizens.  But what happens when their time is done or outshined? What happens to those who give their life to the armed forces? Are we taking care of them with the same passion and dedication as they were able to take care of us during their service?

On this episode I had the honor to interview Crystal Romero, a retired National Guard warrior with and without the uniform. A fighter for human rights and a key activist for veterans, not only for those currently enrolled, but the ones forgotten today for their past time and service to the country.

Apr 25, 202251:41
What Happens at the Oscar

What Happens at the Oscar

Will Smith Smacked Chris Rock at the Oscars a sentence I never in my life would have thought I would write but as we pass through the post Slap era we talk about the affects everyone who watched and the participants.

Apr 22, 202229:20
Tevin Kittoe and His 1000 Voices

Tevin Kittoe and His 1000 Voices

In a world that seems more divided and hatred pushing a destructive narrative about people of different races and cultures, it's always refreshing to find people who are actively focusing on building a positive experience around a community. In this journey of life we’ll encounter good and bad experiences but it is in our hands to find a way to heal from those experiences or submit yourself in bitterness as the result of those. On today’s episode I had pleasure to talk with Tevin Kittoe the CEO and creator of the Podcast 1000 Voices an outlet focusing on specking and sharing the experiences and growth of 1000 financially successful  Afro Descendants in the UK. Focusing on changing the narrative and stigma surrounding and entire community and sharing the drive behind their success.

Apr 18, 202201:21:02
The Pete Davidson Experience

The Pete Davidson Experience

When we consider appeal in Hollywood we consider Men like “ The Rock “, Channing Tatum, Jason Mamoa, Micheal B Jordan, Etc, But there are a few Hollywood men which have something you simply can’t explain however they seize the eye of Women you will in no way assume they could, the man we're speaking approximately on today's episode is Pete Davidson.
Apr 11, 202220:55
What Happens at the Oscars ..

What Happens at the Oscars ..

Will Smith Smacked Chris Rock at the Oscars a sentence I never in my life would have thought I would write but as we pass through the post Slap era we talk about the affects everyone who watched and the participants.

Apr 04, 202230:13
Dating Outside your "Type"

Dating Outside your "Type"

We function under pre-condition ideas and patterns learned from social norms, habits or simply comfort but what happens to those who dare to stand against their own behavior patters?.. Are they the rebels of their own habits? or just the exception of the rule that goes beyond their own comfort zone in a chance to reach a different outcome. on today's episode we're talking about Dating Outside your Type.

Mar 28, 202233:47
Bitter Break Ups

Bitter Break Ups

Ending a relationship is never fun, seen yourself without the person you though you will be most years of your life is heartbreaking and very painful BUT Is it okay for you to held them hostage to a commitment is no longer reciprocal? on today's episode we'll be talking about the bitter taste of breaking up.  

Mar 21, 202226:48
Dating in a Small Town Vs a Big City ( with special guest Tanna Carr)

Dating in a Small Town Vs a Big City ( with special guest Tanna Carr)

The experience of dating can be draining in some aspects more than others.. Going back to the dating scene after a long break could be very overwhelming and if you are in a big city could be even more .. Is that true? On today's episode we have our special guest Tanna Carr sharing her experiences in the dating world in an area not as big as the Bay Area. 

Mar 14, 202225:51
From Morocco to New York (with special guest Zineb Bouizy)

From Morocco to New York (with special guest Zineb Bouizy)

How big are your dreams and aspirations, How hard are you willing to work for them? and Are you ready for the fight? is easy to see the outcome of hard and intensive work but just very few are willing to go through what I takes to achieve their goals, on todays Episode I share the story of a girl that against all odds made it happen from zero to something and more ... from the slams of Morocco to award winning achievements in the big apple. From Morocco to New York. 

Mar 07, 202240:24


To avoid an uncomfortable outcome while having any interactions in life whether they are done among colleague’s, family members, friends, significant others or just acquaintances is extremely important to set a clear line on what’s allowed and what’s not. On today’s episode we’re talking about Boundaries.

Feb 28, 202231:34
Dating Scammers

Dating Scammers

“Heads up this episode have some spoilers of the Netflix hit Documentary the Tinder Swindler” in the world of dating is easy to find the one person that enhances their pics or lied about their age but now things have reached a new low ... In today’s episode we are talking about Scammers in the dating scene.

Feb 21, 202229:28
Valentine's Day Special

Valentine's Day Special

Do you believe in love?  Is it real?  or is just a narrative written by a hopeless romantic like Shakespeare or Beethoven that throughout the years became a remonetized reality of a someone who’s not there….. Today we’re talking Love and Valentine’s Day.

Feb 14, 202228:51
Dating Yourself

Dating Yourself

Are you alone while alone or maybe unaware of the amazing energy that is constant around you but you never get to enjoy? Society pushes you to it's ideal of companionship so delivery while neglecting to realize the best companion you will ever have is yourself. On today’s episode we’ll talk about Dating yourself.

Jan 31, 202233:29
Non-Traditional Dating

Non-Traditional Dating

When it comes to traditions what makes it traditional, what you know to be a habit taught but the generations before you or those things you have learned to love through the years and want to repeat. On today’s episode we’ll talk about Non-Traditional Dating.

Jan 24, 202232:37
Modern Day Flirting

Modern Day Flirting

The oldest form of getting attention from someone for some of us it comes naturally while some others never got the memo, the interaction that might make you smile or sometimes run. On today’s episode we are talking about Modern Day Flirting.

Jan 17, 202232:11
Adult Industry Effects On Our Modern-Day Dating

Adult Industry Effects On Our Modern-Day Dating

Taboo or not the adult industry is been an active part or our modern-day life but How this lustful industry has affected our dating life? On today’s episode we’ll talk about the consequences of this power house in our modern-day dating life.

Jan 10, 202228:27
Dating An Alpha Female

Dating An Alpha Female

In a Male dominant society females are now condition to develop a back bone in some cases some harder than others. In today’s episode we’ll be talking about Alpha Females.

Jan 03, 202241:20
New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

And as one year closes and one approaches we’re looking forward while remembering what we’re leaving behind. Today let’s talk about our so called New Years resolutions and all those fantastic memories and great lessons we are leaving behind.

Dec 27, 202148:40
Christmas with Tuti

Christmas with Tuti

And the most amazing time of the year has come, one of my favorite holidays. Today we talk about Christmas and all it's splendor.

Dec 20, 202136:13
Traveling After Covid

Traveling After Covid

After being confined for almost two years I finally got the chance to go back home, follow me in the journey of experiencing Colombia post Covid. 

Dec 13, 202146:27
Does size Matter?

Does size Matter?

Today we talk about the age old question “ Does size Matter” is it a dealbreaker? Or not.

Dec 06, 202130:46
Social Media Effects On Relationships

Social Media Effects On Relationships

There are enough elements that can hinder a relationship you a building with another person, now in the era of social media it adds another element that can greatly complicate a relationship.. today we are talking about the effects of social media on a relationship.

Nov 29, 202129:27
Red Flags

Red Flags

Let's talk about those none negotiables that sometimes while dating can't be very uncomfortable. Today we're talking Red Flags!

Nov 22, 202134:53
Dating In the US ... WILD!

Dating In the US ... WILD!

Everybody wants love but there's a few hurdles you have to go through first, sometimes entering that journey can be fun other times not as much. On today's episode let's talk about my experiences with dating while adjusting into a new country and a new dating style the difference between dating in the US vs dating in Colombia.

Nov 15, 202129:43
Tuti has a Type

Tuti has a Type

As I'm looking back I realized as everybody else there is a particular type of guy that always catches my eye, on this episode let's talk about those particular qualities that I find irresistible and you would be surprised is NOT A BAD BOY! 

Nov 08, 202135:33